Wednesday 3 April 2013

Happy Easter and All day soul's

To our Christian customers Happy Easter, while to our Chinese customers Happy Cheng Beng!

If you have been going out on the streets you will notice that the roads that leads to your local cemetery  you will notice that its jam, filled with people during the while day since wee hours in the morning especially during the weekends. Then if you look at the roads leading to churches you will notice its also jam because its Easter especially churches having Good Friday service on Friday and Easter on Sunday. If you head to malls it would be quiet. As many people would be attending these two events which is taking place during this weekend and certain malls would be having their annual promotions themes based on Easter. But do we know what does these events symbolizes?

Well for Easter, its celebrated on Sunday. Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. Christians believe, according to scripture, that Jesus was resurrected back from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him for eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Easter reference

Now for Cheng Beng, Qing Ming or All soul's Day, also known as the Tombs Sweeping Festival, which falls on April 5th every year except for leap yeas when the festival falls on April 4th. Cheng Beng can be done 10 days before and after the actual day. During this time, the living relatives and friends would pay their respect to their ancestors and the dearly departed annually. In Penang, the Chinese community can be seen weeding and cleaning the graves of those departed as well as providing offerings of the departed to make purchases where they are, Daily necessities such as clothes, shoes and even some luxury such as gold Rolex watches and he latest handphones are also burnt for the dead to use.
Cheng Beng reference

Times like this sometimes its hard to eat out or if you have relatives coming over and you hardly have time to entertain them and also for cook for them. Its also better to have a food better then fast food to be served at your table. Now you dont have to worry because you have Delivereat which of course will ensure you get your food delivered to you! Not only that during Cheng Beng  I am sure all of you would be thirsty for a cold drinks, why not order from Tong Pak Fu, Blackball and Chatime I am sure they will quince your thirst most of all the best part it is you dont have to wait in line just order and we will deliver it to you! Now that's a smart way of making an order!


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